tw / mentions of suicide and cancer in thread.

every single minute, a man loses his life to suicide. suicide is the leading cause of death of men under 50.

of all deaths to suicide in recent years, 75% of them were men, but men only make up 36% of referrals to therapy.
1 in 8 men in the UK will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

it is the most common form of cancer among men, and testicular cancer is the most common cancer among young men.

it doesn't have to be like this.
those of you who know me know that i struggle with my mental health a lot.

that's why, with a few friends, i'm gonna be supporting movember, in support of men's health. they aim to reduce the rate of male suicides by 25%, and halve the number of men who are either living with or
dealing with the effects of treatment from prostate + testicular cancer by 2030. it's possible, but your help is needed.

there is a link below, where you can donate to the movement and learn more about the cause i am fighting for.
please rt this thread. let's change the face of men's health, together. 
You can follow @electraalester.
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