People want honesty & truth and then can’t handle it . Honesty & truth sometimes is hard to hear . Honesty & truth is not all the good things . It’s TRUTH;Saying things for what they are & HONESTY; telling it like it is. Keto if you will. NO SUGAR .
Missed me with hurt feelings. I told the truth. I’m tryna help you grow. ALSO will admit when I’m wrong and how I too need to grow too. I’m being honest . Now what we’re not gonna do is preach about real friends and not be able to handle the realness that comes along with it.
HOWEVER, some are mistaking authenticity with just flat out jealousy and bitterness. REAL isn’t belittling people. HONESTY isn’t talking about what people have done to someone else to make them look bad or being flat out disrespectful and degrading .
Some people call themselves “Real” for saying the truth about people with out the intent of making them better . Those are things that should be shared with them in private for them to grow . Not to belittle them with someone else .
That is not being a real friend or person. That my dear is FAUX. Pleather if you will . Looks like the real thang but isn’t. Real people tell you when you’re wrong in order to make you a better version of you . TO HELP YOU GROW . NOT TO SABOTAGE YOUR GROWTH.
Side note: my tweets are
100% no tea no shade . Just a food for thought. I think society has just mistaken real & also glamorizes it and everyone says they want it... but do they really? . Anyways have a great day everybody 😘
sorry for the spam 😂
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