okay so im gonna be doing a counter thread on why I think gender fluid is valid. I won’t get into demigenders tho.
Coeus, i hope you’ll hear me out, you don’t even have to change your mind but i hope you can listen and be respectful :)) https://twitter.com/CoeusTheBastard/status/1313167310606172161
FIRST off I want to start out by saying please don’t like hate me for doin this lol :) if you’re gonna read this please please read with an open mind.
Gender fluidity is described as a state at which a person’s gender identity varies over time. We know that there are gendered brains proving the existence of transgender people, but when we say that, what do we really mean?
There isn’t exactly ONE gendered brain that everyone who is male has, and the same for everyone who is female. However, there are certain patterns that people who are male and female tend to have.
An example of this is grey matter structural differences—people who are trans guys have brains similar to those that cis males have, and people who are trans women have brains similar to those that cis women have.
If an individual were to switch between genders, their brain structure would change to resemble the gender they identify as rather than their biological gender.
Gender fluid aside, we know that brain structure can change between one person. Why? From the condition called DID-dissociative identity disorder.
DID is described as the presence of two or more distinct personality states. These personalities (also referred to as alters) can have different backgrounds, ages, mindsets, and even genders.
When an alter is the one controlling the body, it is called fronting. The one who fronts the most is the host. When an alter switches from one fronting to another fronting, this is called switching.
Switching can mean an alter of one gender switches to an alter of another gender. For example, the host could be a man but then switches to an alter that is a woman. When this happens, the brain structure of someone changes to that of their identified gender.
This is EXTREMELY important to note. Now, from this we know that it is possible for a brain to switch between male/female (most people with DID do NOT identify as gender fluid because these alters are treated as seperate people). What about the supposed “gender fluid” people?
A term was coined to describe the incongruity between people who identify as gender fluid and their bodies. This term is “alternating gender incongruity.” People who have this have reported higher levels of bipolar disorder (which is related to hemispheric brain switching) and—
even phantom genitalia, which often aligned with the gender they identified with. People who have AGI (alternating gender incongruity) have also reported higher rates of different psychological disorders related to brain structure changing.
In addition, certain characteristics that would be found in one gender are found in gender fluid people that identify as that gender. I.e. people who are in their male state have higher levels of anger, fear, and threat; people in their female state have higher levels of—
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