2) This follows Dr Fauci recognized this thanks to the direct advocacy aerosol experts @kprather88 along with a host of aerosol scientists @Don_Milton @CorsIAQ @jljcolorado @linseymarr @ShellyMBoulder, along with @FAScientists advocacy of @AliNouriPhD @mykfish et al. 🧵 below. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1309829079152111616
3) And indeed all the evidence lines up for aerosols. In fact, @jljcolorado and many others think aerosol is likely the predominant form of #COVID19 transmission.
4) To be clear, the coronavirus is MOST DEFINITELY aerosol and airborne. Special evidence 🧵 detailing all the evidence and reasons why and how we know. If anyone doubts - use this thread below to debunk anyone who says it’s not airborne. https://twitter.com/drericding/status/1308008060854599686
5) Thus, ventilation is key, in addition to high filtration with HEPA or MERV13+ higher air filters. Ventilation is key:

THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS VENTILATION. Here is how to disperse it swiftly in a room. Room air clearance rate is key. #COVID19
6) The early Biogen superspreading conferences Boston in March was also a tell tale sign of airborne aerosols. Great video explainer by @kprather88 with @DrLaPook.
You can follow @DrEricDing.
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