When my wife was in the hospital in March w/ COVID, which she caught working as an ER Nurse, after she begged her leadership to give them proper PPE and they didn’t, and as we were both isolated in the hospital, we watched Trump in TV downplaying the virus, lying to the...
American people, that anyone could get tests. The CDC wouldn’t even allow my wife to get tested at that time, bc she hadn’t flown from China. 5 Doctors tried to game the system to get her tested, and denied each time. We were in that hospital for weeks, and we were...
terrified. Because they wouldn’t allow her to get tested, they chose to do every other test imaginable, including a spinal tap, so they could rule everything else out, to try to determine how to treat her. The doctors were as livid as we were. But Trump kept...
coming on live TV and lying every night to America about PPE and testing. He lied about community spread. The doctors knew community spread was happening, but we couldn’t prove it bc the CDC wouldn’t allow them to test. America had no idea what was happening at..
that time. They (mainly Republicans) were trusting what Trump was telling them. That’s where the chaos started. Remind you, and sadly, I voted for Trump. Have been a Republican my entire life. But unfortunately, it took this event for my entire view of things to...
shift. I finally saw what a monster this man was. And since then, he’s continued to mislead us, lie to us, cause pain/suffering bc of those lies, like this generation has never seen. Now it’s at his doorstep. You ask me to pray for him and others, I will. Even though...
when family’s like mine we’re going through what we did, he DID NOTHING. He mocked people wearing masks. Politicized a deadly virus. Gave voice to conspiracy theorists. Did everything he could to cause as much chaos as he could. Because he thrives off it. How anyone could....
still support this joke of an administration is beyond me. I’m praying for our country today. I pray the masses get out and vote this man out of office. He’s stain on this country, and to say he’s not fit for office is the understatement of the century. End of rant.
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