hi everyone. so i decided to reactivate this account to talk about sanad who wouldn’t shut up about the sexual harassment story and about his lack of involvement in it.
let’s start off this thread by first acknowledging that multiple men came forward and accused him of doing the exact same shit to them but he only talks about the one that blew up in june of this year because it’s the only one where he has “evidence” to prove his innocence,
we will get to said evidence later. you’ve heard the story of what happened so many times now so i’ll spare you the details and focus on the lies in the story he keeps saying:
lie#1: when the story first blew up, he claimed that without his knowledge, i took his phone and sent that nude to my friend, yet now that many people called out the lie because of these convos his story changed and now he was aware of it happening and “takes full responsibility”
at the VERY least this was a group effort, which it wasn’t, but he keeps trying to blame me
lie #2: he said that since december when the picture was sent till june, we’ve never spoken and that he cut things off with me because “i sent the picture”, but that wasn’t true, we even hooked up after the picture was sent, so he was totally ok with it before all this happened.
unfortunately i cannot prove that because he deleted both his twitter accounts so i can’t screenshot anything
now that we’re done with the lies, let’s talk about the shit he pulled in an effort to shift the blame onto me.

but before we get to that, it’s important to note that i am a very sexual person in nature. all my friends know it, and some even like that about me
but it never got to a point where i would do something without someone’s consent. i also compliment people’s looks a lot and sometimes it’s viewed as an advance when it isn’t, but i have never done something to intentionally make someone uncomfortable in any sorts
and even when that happened i always made sure to apologise.... now for the shit he did:
#1: he used the fact that i was hyper-sexual to prove that i sent the picture, which makes no sense at all, because he can’t differentiate between being sexual and consent, he tweeted screenshots of me asking him as well as a mutual friend of ours for sexual acts
the funny part is that he used his friend’s screenshots without his consent.. so much to prove a point if you ask me
shit he did #2: threatened not only me but the guy who received the nude with legal action to shut us up. but the funny part about that was that the lawyer he wanted to appoint refused to represent him...
and instead offered to represent me and the victim because all the evidence pointed to sanad being in the wrong here. this screenshot is of his mum threatening me even though there was no lawyer
shit he did #3: keeps mentioning me by name knowing that we live in jordan where being outed is not really a thing you want to happen for you, and when called out for it, he would very poorly censor my name to say “i censored it this time” but would also tweet out my address
to the entirety of twitter. this screenshot was posted on his instagram story to thousands of jordanian followers
i have stayed silent for so long because he can very easily out me to the public and i cannot have that at this period of my life. i was hoping he would shut up about it but he doesn’t seem to want to do that so this is the only thing i can do
i know this thread is long so i just want to end it by saying that friend of mine wasn’t the only person he did this to, but this is the only incident he’s focusing on because it’s the only incident he can prove that he was in my house when it happened
i would also like to apologise to anyone i’ve ever wronged or made uncomfortable especially when it has to do with how i come off as a person. i came to learn that there should be some boundaries you shouldn’t cross and i worked on that so it doesn’t happen again
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