Look, people, if you tweet a dumb opinion at me I am not obligated to treat it like a gift to be treasured
oh I’m supposed to learn all about a person’s life story and internal through process before I call their unsolicited opinion dumb

my bad
Certainly not the place to have a thin skin if you want to tweet opinions at *checks notes*

“Swear Trek” https://twitter.com/hobbitviolinist/status/1313177030893228037
what fuckin Twitter account are we talking about here, jesus horatio fuck https://twitter.com/CapJSheridan/status/1313170544909520899
Related: someone mad about a Swear Trek reply — where I said I didn’t care that they don’t like Discovery — called my employer to try to out me as Swear Trek and get me fired.

Jokes on them — I was hired because I’m Swear Trek. https://twitter.com/Phoenix_Blue/status/1313179893765599233
some of you dudes have the brainworms real bad

DUDE: you should use your platform for good instead of dunking on randos

ME: I also use my platform to raise money for charity

DUDE: a prominent pedophile also raised money for charity
Brainworm Dude update: I have been blocked for sharing that screenshot of him comparing me to a pedophile, because apparently having a platform means I should turn the other cheek when such comparisons are made

I don’t get why I’m supposed to be upset when these idiots block me
You can follow @swear_trek.
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