Don't click this thread if you miss jimin I'm warning you❗❗
hello I told you not to
Well you are here so
It's time for you to cry over a baby
A baby who's eyes disappear when he smiles big
Look you can't find a baby's eyes
Do You think you can keep Jimin on your pocket?
The answer is "yes"
Don't wake up a baby when he's sleeping im telling you
But look at him after waking up
- now look how happy he looks while eating
He just wants a bite :(
No just already let me give him the world please
Wait he even drinks in tiny
You are crying with me if you this came far
So sob a bit more , When he hides
And covers his mouth :(((((
He reached his peak of happienss now you are devastated
because this baby loves you alot
See? So much
[End of thread ]in conclusion , jimin is a fairy who gives you a happiness in every possible way.
And follow Me I'll be a good friend <3
You can follow @jtoni_n.
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