Gonna use this October to fill in a lot of the gaps in my spooky/scary film knowledge. Everything in this thread is new to me.

Started it off right with HOCUS POCUS (1993), which I thought was delightful. I have no nostalgia for it obvs but I get why so many do.
Ok *technically* I have seen SWAMP THING (1982), but I was a child and it was the TV version on the Sci Fi Channel so it doesn’t count.

Great B-movie schlock made by a director who knows what he’s doing. Also was inspiration for the scene transitions in the SW prequels, probably
I’ve heard people talk about how deranged and sick MEET THE FEEBLES (1989) is, and was like “yeah sure uh huh ok”

Ya’ll. They were not kidding. Deranged and sick barely begins to cover it. Like, it would be really inappropriate for me to post 95% of the gifs from this movie.
It’s no Nightmare Before Xmas, but CORPSE BRIDE (2005) is very sweet and fun. The plot is really clunky, but that’s true of most gothic romance I’ve seen. Also I fully support positive goth representation in cinema.
Really glad I waited to watch IT FOLLOWS (2014) after both the hype and backlash died down. I feel like there was more to be done with the concept, BUT I felt extremely creeped out and terrified when the movie wanted me to be. And the score by Disasterpeace is awesome.
I found PERFUME: THE STORY OF A MURDERER (2006) to be largely a waste of time. It’s overindulgently long yet feels incomplete, it’s a thriller with no suspense, and it centers on the least interesting serial killer ever committed to film. Also the narration and ending are awful
BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF (2001) is not a great action movie nor a great horror movie, but there’s very much an appeal to the way it combines them. Toes a fine line between serious and ridiculous, and I would’ve loved if it were less the former more the latter.
Even by today’s standards Ida Lupino’s THE HITCH-HIKER (1953) is a solid little thriller. The storytelling is super efficient and the noir cinematography by Nicholas Musuraca is fantastic.
HALLOWEEN (2018), or Halloween H40, is to the original Halloween what Terminator 2 is to The Terminator, and I kinda love it for that.
FACES OF DEATH (1978) is a curiosity of shock cinema that has lost a lot of its punch since release. There’s not much to be had beyond the gruesome gore and death, which is the film’s main draw. For sickos only (I found it pretty interesting).
I really liked THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE (2018) and its blend of horror + family melodrama. But a more accurate title would’ve been ‘The Monologuing of Hill House.’
I’m pretty mixed on THE HAUNTING OF BLY MANOR (2020). Enjoyable characters and good performances do a lot to counterbalance a story that lacks the focus and craftsmanship of Hill House. ‘The Innocents’ (1961) is still the best ‘Turn of the Screw’ imo.
THE UNINVITED (1944) is a ghost story... technically.
I didn’t expect HÄXAN (1922) to be funny, but it is. There’s an earnestness in how it presents itself as a sort of anthropological study that is reminiscent of modern TV history shows that feature dramatic reenactments. Also features my new favorite film depiction of the devil
Watching DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE (1968) has made me remember that Hammer Films slap super goddamn hard and I need to watch more of them.
Omfg BLADE: TRINITY (2004) has got to be the dumbest fucking shitshow I’ve ever seen 😂 what an absolute farce. But hey, I laughed A LOT.
CRONOS (1993) is the prototype of a classic GDT movie. The hallmarks are there, but unrefined, and I’m glad I have the context now so I can see how he kept evolving this sort of film over his career.
MISERY (1990) is an absolutely excellent film, and I never want to see it again. IT’S SO STRESSFUL 🤣
TROLL (1986) is *this close* to being so-bad-it’s-good gold, but there’s too much about it that actually works. The premise is legit awesome, and the creatures are v fun. Also Elaine is a forest nymph??
TROLL 2 (1990, no relation) is a masterclass in awful and completely deserving of its legendary cult status. Really glad to have finally seen all of this and not just the choice clips.
I like how the dreamlike storytelling of SEASON OF THE WITCH (1972) presents its protagonist as an unreliable narrator. Really makes me feel the vibe of turning to witchcraft to escape a crushing domestic suburban nightmare.
Finally completed the trilogy with GINGER SNAPS BACK: THE BEGINNING (2004), which feels more like a Ginger Snaps fanfic than a legitimate prequel.
I put on THE CLOVERFIELD PARADOX (2018) because I felt like watching a trash horror movie set in space, and I was still disappointed.
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