Someone can lie without it being gaslighting.
Gaslighting literally makes you question your reality. Did that actually happen? Am I crazy? It's over a long period of time, it's not one fucking lie.
An example. My father had a few wonderful hobbies that included cheating on my mom for over a decade with the same woman.
Every time my mother "caught" him, he found a way to instead make her feel insane and as if she was imagining it.
When I expressed discontent, he would soften his face, moisten his eyes, and say something like, "Don't you remember when you gave me your approval?.... I mean you took my side against your mom."
"Your mom knows, Mia, she just wants me to pretend she doesn't for her pride."

This was, of course, only the tip of the iceberg.
So you know, it actually bothers me a lot to see nimrods throw around the terms gaslighting because their friend lied, narcissism because they had a falling out, abuse to describe the reason an online community fell out.
I am not saying your pain has to be greater than mine to use these terms AT ALL. But please realize narcissism describes a medical disorder, gaslighting is more than just lies.

You're literally trivializing these words by using them in every day context.
And before someone says anything, obviously I'm not subtweeting anyone specific. I'd comment on them instead 🙄

I'm subtweeting the overuse of these words period.
My family is as fine now as it could be. He's been cut off. We're all seeing psychiatrists or therapists or both, we're on medication, we're functioning.

Kind of bothers me a lot to see things that affected /ruined my life so deeply just thrown around on this app every day.
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