In an era in which we are struggling to keep the lid on disinformation and antiscience, the @ClevelandClinic does us all a disservice by employing and amplifying this quack.
The notion of "food as medicine" is as old as it is fraudulent. It blames the patient for disease that is often out of their control. Fortunately, real doctors look beyond the pantry to identify treatments, and don't place moral blame on the victims of disease for being impure.
Can diet affect health? Of course. Is it the only determinant? Not by a long shot.

There is no perfect diet. Quacks like to pathologize and medicalize eating because it allows them to sell the *illusion* of control over health.
The harder truth is, beyond exercise, avoiding excessive weight, avoiding smoking and excessive drinking, we don't have a ton of control over our health. People don't want to accept that, and it's easier to accept the reassurance of a quack than our inevitable frailty and death.
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