Since twoset’s 2017 crowdfunding livestreams were deleted I thought I might just summarize what I remember from them from when I had to stay up all night for medical reasons earlier this year and watched almost all of them.
Ok so the original premise was they were gonna busk nonstop day and night, taking turns sleeping. First day got off to a bit of a rough start with WiFi issues and trying to find good busking areas. But they did end up having a good crowd by late afternoon.
People stopping by were a mixture of personal friends/colleagues, fans who had seen the event online, and curious strangers. They asked people to come play with them so some brought instruments. First guy who showed up actually brought a harmonica.
But after that it was largely violinists with a little viola/cello mixed. They had brought gig style pages like Canon in D to play with fans. During the first day some kids played with them including a boy around 10-12 years old who was quite good and stayed for hours.
But it wasn’t just kids, adults played with them, too, including hobbyists, students, and professionals. Ensembles ranged from 2-7 people with either B or E in the mix, although sometimes they just let fans play. It was really sweet seeing them play along with beginners/amateurs
and be really supportive and encouraging, counting and helping people catch up who had got lost. They did a fair amount of playing solos or duets when nobody else was around of course. Czardas was very popular and repeated a lot (they have a duet version in which B would play
the violin solo and E the accomp’t). They played this once when a neighboring busker’s percussion was too loud and made it go along with the beat. They struggled a lot with the fact that most buskers were amplified while they were purely acoustic. (Tbc)
Solo Bach was a huge staple as well, particularly when they were spelling each other trying to let each other rest. Eddy knocked out the entirety of Ysaye 3 while they were first setting up on Day 1. But as time went on they got less and less ambitious
By the evening of Day 1 it was clear that nonstop playing was going to be absolutely impossible. So they modified their project to include sleeping outside at night while storing their instruments at a friend’s house. After that they took a break each evening
to shower at the friend’s house and pack up before going back out on the streets to livestream themselves sleeping outside. The first night saw the notorious prank where E had the fb livestream on himself trying to fall asleep but didn’t realize that B had an ig livestream on
and was chatting with fans saying he was gonna leave and find a bed as soon as E was asleep, saying to “act normal” on the fb live chat. E only noticed them repeating the word “normal” and thought it was some kind of joke. A big part of the project was them interacting with the
fans online in the live chat, constantly asking them to donate and share as well as sometimes taking requests or just having casual conversations. Anyway the night streams usually lasted a couple of hours and showed them attempting to sleep on benches in sleeping bags in what
can be assumed to be residential areas (they never disclosed the location of where they were sleeping). They didn’t stream much in the mornings but when they did they were usually in cafes recapping the last night’s events. During afternoons and evenings they would stream and
busk again. They raised support quickly on the first day or so but donations started to slow down, and by Day 3 they decided to try to get on the local news by busking outside of the TV studio. However, although the news was interested in their story, they already had a story
about a musical group that week and could only offer a spot much later, after their busking project would be over, so that didn’t end up going anywhere. By the way during the whole time they were busking fans and friends would stop by and help them by bringing food, drinks,
(including bubble tea!) and also by holding their phones and interacting with the online chat while they busked. They were pretty trusting about handing their phones to random people who showed up and said they were fans. Ibo was a pretty constant voice in the background.
One time a whole group of string players showed up before they had to give a concert themselves that evening. Another time B and E had a spontaneous jam with a guitarist who was busking in a similar area, who’d never heard of them but started asking what they were doing.
There was one sort of nasty conflict early on with a busker who was trying to claim they couldn’t use a spot because they weren’t amplified. That same guy actually came back and apologized to them on a later day.
Those interacting on live chat developed their own jokes and commentary on the event. At some point (I missed how it began) people started to fixate on E’s legs and comment about them, to the point where B and E actually added “touch E’s legs” as a fundraiser perk.
Of course B cheekily touched them on live not long after that. By Day 5 donations had really started to slow down while they were simultaneously growing more and more exhausted with the end still goal not close. That morning, though, they received a letter
hand-delivered to them by someone who had stopped by on Day 1. The letter was from the string company D’Addario which had actually bought them a night in a really nice hotel around the corner from where they were busking.
This sparked a long discussion about whether it would be cheating on their promises if they accepted it still not having met their goal. They actually walked to the hotel where the people working were really sympathetic to their story and gave them a free meal. The hotel informed
them that it was possible to delay the reservation by one night but not after that, so they decided to do so, hoping to reach their goal by Day 6. They spent a while inside eating at the hotel and livestreaming just chatting with fans. This is where a lot of the most
notorious material came from. They were obviously extremely exhausted from barely sleeping for 5 nights, loopy, and also enjoying sitting down to a proper meal indoors for the first time in a while. One of the fans in live chat started hitting on B, saying how she liked him
etc. This went on for quite a while. B said she could add him on fb. E said “who has a crush on B? I do” and jokingly pretended to delete the fan’s friend request while B wasn’t looking. (But then added that of course he wouldn’t really do something like that.)
That night they busked in a train station because I think it was raining. It was definitely the loneliest busking, no fans or onlookers, although a couple of people walking by did recognize them and stop to chat for a bit.
Seemingly out of boredom they attempted to play through the entire Bach solo book (taking turns) though of course they ended up failing, eventually skipping less familiar movements and not getting all the way through before they were done busking.
That night they started the livestream again around midnight, after it had rained but was still wet, intending to scout sleeping locations. However, they noticed almost immediately after starting the stream that they actually met their funding goal.
This was definitely the most satisfying part to watch, as they just went almost crazy with relief, hugging, jumping around, saying “I love you” and so on. Ibo joined them as they pointed out the place they had planned to sleep that night (but now wouldn’t have to)
Someone in the live chat asked them to kiss, and Ibo protested “They aren’t gay!” (No response from B or E.) Since it was so late they couldn’t change back they hotel reservation, but they said they would crash at a friend’s that night and still use it the following night.
They streamed momentarily from the hotel the next day while they were there but were obviously exhausted and needed to focus on resting at that point. I would say Day 5 was really fun to watch because the tone definitely changed after they were gifted the hotel reservation,
and it seemed like there was an extra push to donate when people realized they were really committed to not using it unless they met their goal. So that’s about all I can remember. If you read this whole thread I hope you enjoyed it!💕
You can follow @mr_baggins_.
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