I've been following this Lil Frosh abuse story and I have seen alot of people saying "why didn't she leave him for good?" "Why did she go back to him?" "It's her fault for staying" and so on and so forth. I have a question for you. Do you know what Stockholm Syndrome or...
Trauma bonding is? It is a psychological condition where a very deep bond is formed between a victim and their abuser. Victims of abuse usually develop and maintain a very strong sense of loyalty towards their abuser, despite the fact that the bond/abuse is damaging to them.
It goes beyond the "if she loves herself, she'll leave him" mindset. Try as much as you like, our brain controls alot of things especially when it comes to emotions and habits. Think about how difficult it is for a smoker or alcoholic to stop smoking or drinking.
Think about how difficult it is for them to stop those habits. It isn't easy. Like it or not, it's comparable to this situation as well. It isn't easy breaking that cycle of abuse. It isn't easy for victims to walk away especially when you've been...
psychologically wired to remain loyal to that person. That's why you need to have a strong support system. Friends, family, colleagues etc you can confide in. People that can step in and take you away from your abuser. Not just take you away but keep you away for good.
So the next time you have the urge to blame victims of domestic abuse for staying and allowing the abuse to continue, don't! You have no idea how damaged their psyche may be from the prolonged abuse. Remember that.
Alot of you look smart but that isn't the case in practice. This thread was directed at people who victim blame. This thread aims to explain why victims behave the way they do and why you shouldn't blame them because often times, it's out of their control.
Some of you brought up money and material things and yeah, that's also a reason why some victims remain in abusive relationships but in alot of cases, victims remain in that environment because they've bonded with their abuser. It's very bad but it happens everyday.
That is why having a strong support system is important. That's why having people who can help the said victim out of that situation is very important. Na person way wear shoe know where e dey pain am. If you haven't experienced abuse before, you wouldn't understand so...
I'll forgive your ignorance. Stop victim blaming. If you've got a friend or relative in an abusive relationship, step in and help them get out. Watch out for the warning signs like unexplained bruising, depression, them becoming withdrawn, etc. Sometimes, abuse doesn't have...
to be physical. It can be emotional too. If you have someone in that kind of situation, be there for them. No matter how many times they try to go back to that environment, be there to stop them. Offer them your ear, take them to therapy, help them heal. STOP VICTIM BLAMING!!!
If you still don't understand, that's on you, not me. I made this thread for a reason and I'm glad to see that alot of you understood what I was getting at. For those of you insulting yourselves, not me, go on. Comprehension is obviously difficult these days.
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