We HAVE to talk about gender roles in the Church.

We cannot continue to let our sisters run with the progressive feminism of today.

Learning how to be a godly woman is a part of spiritual growth and maturity.
I am so saddened by the amount of young girls in the Church that have literally no idea about biblical womanhood.

Proverbs 31.

Titus 2.
1 Peter 3.
1 Corinthians 14.
1 Timothy 2 and 3.
Ephesians 5.

Why are these scriptures so foreign to women?
Instead, young women are being led astray by worldy dogmas:

-“my body my choice”
-women’s right’s and empowerment
- the LGBTQ agenda.

All these silly young adult groups and communities these churches are starting teach absolutely NOTHING of value!
In church, young women are taught hyper-emotional “spirituality”.

That Jesus loves them just the way they are, that they need to be raw and vulnerable, that they are worthy of God’s love.

Instead of being directed towards the Home, they are directed towards college and career.
They teach that people are ENTITLED to dreams (even the silliest ones that contradict scripture!)

That you have to “love yourself” above anyone else.

And because parents aren’t teaching and setting the example, young girls are being led astray in droves.
Women are taught how to do the “sinners prayer”, but are not discipled beyond that.

They fall in love with the shallow community that weak churches provide, teaching people that God thinks you are “dope”.

They are afraid of truth, and don’t even KNOW truth.
They think they are “on fire” for the Lord, when they’re really far from true Christianity.

They are now just #Christianwoke
A mature woman believer should:

- view children as a blessing
- SUBMIT to & LOVE her husband
- learn quietly and not exercise authority over men

- CONTROL her emotions
- strive to take EVERY thought captive

- have self control, dress respectably, work on her home
- be KIND
This is why I use my platform the way I do.

Not because *I* have all the answers.

The WORD OF GOD does.

Truth needs to be spoken. Because I see it firsthand all around me as I am only 21.

I thank God for His saving grace and wisdom.

I want to share what He has taught me!
I encourage you to use this space to show true biblical womanhood.

Mentor someone.

Teach/show your children.

Be the example for our sisters that are still baby Christians.

The world’s loosey goosey ways only lead to destruction.

Love our sisters with TRUTH!
You can follow @Solieoso.
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