bruh the economy isn’t even real, we literally fucking made it up, just let people have food wtf
i was born into this dumb fucking world against my will and now my life gets affected by whether line go up or down? people starve because of weird sad fantasy line? grow up
dreaming of the day one of my anti-economy tweets blows up enough to bait some random 15 year olds who do econ GCSE into hitting me with the ‘well actually’
it’s happening it’s happening it’s happening it’s happening !!!!
they’re even snitching on me now smh
The ancaps have arrived 👀👀👀
the pro-starvation for the sake of a man-made concept take is a bold one
gonna use this chance to promote my little shop <3
no no no you see people HAVE to starve because... uh... line!!
this guy didn’t even try, 4/10
Good thing I’m anti-capitalist then isn’t it
thank u <333
don’t like the world as it is? don’t bother trying to improve it, just fucking Die!
knowing i’m disappointing people like this is what keeps me going
so you’re telling me we don’t produce enough food for 10 billion people each year and decide that instead of allowing everyone access we decide who lives and dies based off a man-made concept — money? because you’d be lying if you were ✨💕
if anyone wants an actual explanation, seeing as when I made this thread I wasn’t exactly expecting millions of people to see it — just my followers. also, don’t give me the ‘uhhh too long didn’t read,’ if you’re still going to try and argue.
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