this site has a really shitty understanding of hypersexuality and im sick of people using it as an excuse for horrible behaviour
being hypersexual doesn’t give you free reign to sexualise yourself, others, or target others with sexual comments. hypersexuality is literally a medical condition; it’s not something to indulge in, it’s something you need to learn to cope with
sexualising everything only makes it worse; i grew up INCREDIBLY hypersexual, and as such, exposed myself to a lot of sexualised content i wasn’t equipped to see. even now i find it hard Not to sexualise things
no, it’s not always possible to control being hypersexual, but you can control who you direct it towards and where you direct it. a private account for only you, or a few same-age friends, is a better place to talk about this stuff instead of on a public account
i’ve seen literal children on here sexually harassing adults and other kids, and saying it’s okay because they’re hypersexual. it’s not. endangering others, as well as harassing people, isn’t excusable
nsfw //

also, hypersexuality isn’t just... making sex jokes online? it’s masturbating so much you physically harm yourself, being unable to think of ANYTHING besides sex, impulsively engaging in sexual acts, using sex to cope with things / in response to mood changes, —
being unable to control your sexual thoughts and urges, having sexual obsessions, spending hours/days/weeks thinking of sex and sexual activity, being distressed by your inability to do ANYTHING besides sex... it’s fucking debilitating
most people who experience hypersexuality feel INCREDIBLY guilty and disgusted with themselves afterward. it’s a form of self harm, and it’s NOT something to indulge in. if you’re struggling with hypersexuality, PLEASE don’t indulge in it, and definitely don’t drag others into it
a lot of you don’t seem to be aware that child on child sexual abuse is a thing - you can very easily traumatise your friends by sexualising them! hypersexuality is a condition, not a quirky trait or an excuse for sexualising others
i had a friend be sexually targeted by some kid who repeatedly spoke about them sexually, @‘d them to ask sexual questions, despite the fact my friend never spoke to them and was immensely uncomfortable (due to the experience bringing up traumatic memories)
with hypersexuality, it can be hard to take the feelings of yourself and others into account — but that’s not an excuse for hurting people. you also put yourself in a lot of danger, too. if you’re experiencing hypersexuality, especially if you’re a minor, PLEASE —
keep it on a private account. please seek help for it. yes, it’s embarrassing, i know. but it’s also a debilitating form of uncontrollable self harm that needs to be addressed
small addition just to reiterate this but. hypersexuality isn’t a voluntary, faultless coping mechanism. it’s literally a form of self harm and intrusive thoughts. it’s something you learn to cope WITH, not something you use TO cope
ANOTHER small addition but i apologise if i framed hypersexuality as predatory with this thread. im hypersexual myself, and no one who is hypersexual is inherently predatory; being hypersexual can make it harder to respect the boundaries of oneself and others, but —
by no means does it make people with it predatory. hypersexuality is a symptom / disorder, it’s something that causes a lot of guilt and shame to those who deal with it, and hypersexual people don’t WANT to cause people (or even themselves!) harm !
but, when harm occurs, it’s the responsibility of the person to apologise without trying to avoid culpability for their actions, as it would be in any case! i’ve had to do that myself a lot
please DM me if you’d like me to clarify anything else, and i deeply apologise for anything i may have missaid (i did NOT expect this to blow up as much as it did, hah)
and again. there’s nothing wrong with BEING hypersexual and coping with it healthily! however, using it to excuse to harass others, using it as a coping mechanism, or putting yourself in danger is NOT okay. i encourage hypersexual folk to seek help so they can —
learn to cope with it in a good way, rather than potentially harming themselves, others, or letting it severely affect or dominate their lives.
again, for example, having a private account for just yourself (or people your age) to vent hypersexual thoughts is MUCH better than putting them out publicly for Anyone of Any Age to see, which potentially endangers yourself
ANYWAYS tldr of this thread:
again i apologise for anything i missaid / if i framed hypersexual ppl badly! im hypersexual, based this on my own experience, medical info, & the experiences of hypersexual folk i know; others may have different experiences! ( sorry for the repetition/pedantry, im autistic ! )
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