We still don't know key elements about the Covid outbreak affecting the White House. This is what needs to happen to assess the outbreak's impact and stop continued spread. 6 steps in an epidemiologic investigation:
Step 1: Establish the case definition: person, place, and time. For example, someone who had contact with anyone in the White House after September 18 and has a positive test for Covid (confirmed) or symptoms consistent with Covid (suspected).
Step 2: Find all who meet the case definition through active surveillance.
Step 3: Make an "epidemic curve" showing cases by time of onset. (Anyone have one for this cluster?)
Step 4: Analyze risk factors for infection and explore hypotheses regarding the people and places that may have resulted in spread of infection.
Step 5: Take action based on the most plausible hypothesis in order to limit further spread of the infection.
Step 6: Assess the impact of the intervention, reevaluate the data, and optimize interventions. Repeat.
Outbreak control works, if done quickly and well.
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