It’s been frustrating sometimes floating in the space between “stylized” and “realism” which are both not absolutes but everyone has ideas of what those 2 words mean and where they draw the line in the sand
To most animation people, I’m not stylized enough. To most games people, I’m too stylized. So I just kinda float. Neither but both at the same time.
Sorry to get all earnest on main but this hashtag makes me feel sad and vulnerable. Like I should keep these 2 things separate and just choose one because it’s confusing. not just for others but for me too. I’m constantly trying to please others and fit, and somewhere I got lost.
Also... trying to make money off my art which ties so heavily into all of this. Where clients see me vs where I see me. Woof I got too open time to hide and post stupid jokey things only for the next few weeks
I want very badly to delete this to keep up the facade of me being a non-person talking to too many people at once. But maybe it’ll help someone to know that I’m 13 years into my career and I still cry and struggle with this shit so it’s fine if you do too.
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