If you are voting in Georgia, there are some confusing amendments on the ballot. I had to research them in depth to figure out what the hell it means. Here is some info to help y'all.

A YES vote for House Resolution 164, Act No. 597 would keep the government (read Governor) from being able to use the "fees" anyway they see fit. Instead the fees would have to be used for the purpose they were created.
A YES vote on House Resolution 1023, Act No. 596, gives power back to citizens of the state to sue if our government goes too far. Right now we don't have that right.
A YES vote would allow non-profits that provide low income housing to spend more of their funds on building or repairing more homes instead of spending the money on property taxes.
These were all my opinions based on my own research. Please feel free to make your own decisions, but I wanted to make it simpler to understand what is being debated. As a lawyer, even I have trouble discerning the language of amendments and bills on ballots. Happy Voting!
This is about reforming how the Ethics Board works. No one subject to the board has power to appoint who sits on the board. Also it stops routing ethics issues through the CEO and Human Resources. Learn More: https://dekalbcitizens.org/category/2020-ethics-referendum/
A YES vote for the Ethics Question provides authority back to the ethics board without being thwarted by people who may be under investigation by the board, the CEO or other Human Resources employees of the county.
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A YES vote helps low-income Atlantans buy houses that are on land that’s owned by nonprofit land trusts. And more importantly, in the resale process the home remains affordable to another home buyer; someone who might not otherwise be able to live there.
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