Hello fellow law nerds! It’s me @Hegemommy taking over the RNG Twitter account because today is a BIG day. It is the first Monday in October. Do you know what that means? The official start of the Supreme Court term!
That’s right! The most powerful Court in the US gets back to official business today. Except because of COVID that business remains remote. So instead of having arguments at the Court, attorneys are phoning arguments in.
First, a moment of respect to Justice Ginsburg. Republicans are so intent on ramming through a replacement we haven’t had a chance to really honor her legacy. Check out some of our coverage here.  https://rewirenewsgroup.com/ruth-bader-ginsburg/?_ga=2.182942502.1036264153.1601905786-1139608728.1600864692
Back to Court business. Remote arguments means each Justice waits and asks their questions in turn, rather than a free-for-all. COVID also means you can listen along if you like. 

I don’t know how the Court ever takes that back. All arguments should be live-streamed, always
Senate Republicans have vowed to press ahead with the Barrett confirmation hearings, even as more GOP Senators also announce they have COVID which….. why you might be asking
Trump and the GOP want Barrett confirmed and hearing cases by November because that’s when she can hear two big cases: a challenge to the ACA and state-sanctioned discrimination against LGBTQ people.
All the while, the Court will continue its business and hear cases and decide whether or not to take more. Like an abortion case or two that are hanging out there! And who knows what kind of election cases await
Already this morning the Court’s conservatives are big mad about same-sex marriage. @AngryBlackLady will have more on that news for #TeamLegal later this week.
It’s going to be quite a ride, folks. But! #TeamLegal has you covered through this entire term. INCLUDING the official start to a new Boom! Lawyered season later this week so STAY TUNED EVERYONE! Big things happening at @RewireNewsGroup and the Court
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