Geo-economics, a thread/n

1/ What is geoeconomics?

The idea can be traced back to the works of MacKinder, more commonly known as the father of geopolitics

But the concept 'geoeconomica' was introduced by Angel Bassols Batalla in his study of water distribution in Mexico
2/ Geoeconomics was popularized by @ELuttwak in @TheNatlInterest

Economic rivalry would take on features of military rivalry, producing 'the logic of war in the grammar of commerce'

Economic interactions would be more conflict-ridden
3/ The title suggests a transition from geo-politics to geo-economics. That might have been @ELuttwak's world of the 1990s and early 2000s though it is clearly not the world of today
4/ The geo-economic world @ELuttwak proposes focuses on how economic competition breeds conflict due to the inner workings of the market, a useful antidote to the triumphalist view of interdependence in the 1990s
8/ Hirschman argued that the greater the rewards from trade, the greater a country’s dependence on trade, leaving it vulnerable to threats to restrict trade
9/ Twitterless Baldwin @Princeton sees “Albert Hirschman's landmark study of foreign trade as an instrument of statecraft” before outlining Hirschman's contribution to the study of foreign economic policy under conditions of asymmetrical dependence 
10/ Baldwin undertook in-depth analysis of economic statecraft, in his seminal book

And the use of economic sanctions and rewards to promote political goals garnered attention in the 1990s
14/ On financial sanctions Also see Saori N. Katada, Cynthia Roberts & Leslie Elliott Armijo @IAJournal_CH

& @daniel_mcdowell @RIPEJournal
15/ Economic security, economic policies directed towards welfare goals, is also a form of geoeconomics

These concerns date back to the 1970s
17/ Other economic juggernauts such as the European Union voice concerns about “economic sovereignty”

Chancellor Merkel’s Handlungsfähigkeit and President Macron’s Europe puissance économique
19/ Economic policies also target broader political goals, to preserve prosperity

@hanskundnani provides an interesting example of Germany's use of economic means to impose its political preference for a particular kind of policy, price stability
20/ Coming soon … What is geo-economic power?
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