throwback to that time my own fucking uncle said "we don't call them n* around here, we call em mondays, because everybody hates a monday"

and i immediately realized i could never trust him again. because hate like that. blind, inconsiderate hate. pervades a whole worldview.
three years later, he shames me for painting my nails (i hadn't yet), having long hair, and having two girlfriends (partners. one's nonbinary, i have more now.)

because he found out by doxxing my facebook.
now i'm a girl.

i have long dyed hair, i paint my nails bright colors, i have more partners than he has guns (he married a centrist), and i'm going to have more guns than he has partners (they're mono)

i monetize my body. he sucks capitalist dick.
and i love while he hates.
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