I like to ask Americans (Buddhist and otherwise) what they think karma is, and it's often "cosmic" or "universal" (cuts out supernatural entities), it's ethical, and it involves a principle of return on investment or calling back of a debt
In the U. S. American context there's grasp on a narrative that extends beyond the narrow confines of the individual self -- and the beginning, middle, and ending hang together.
Perhaps "reality show karma" (e.g. "karma is a bitch") is the early 21st c. spin on it, also a comment on Fox and Hollywood's mass mediated manufacture of narrative: dirty, petty, lurid, unending. Unhappy unendings, even... as samsara is often classically portrayed.
me typing "karma" into the gif-finder.... #realityshowkarma
Reward for a villain? #realityshowkarma
#realityshowkarma hashtag here should be #LawAndOrderKarma *dun dun*
#realityshowkarma would definitely benefit from Queer Studies, Black Studies, Gender Studies readings...
#realityshowkarma #kalyanamitra also whiteness studies...
#realityshowkarma Anyway I started this thread for no particular reason this morning... :-/
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