I no longer speak to people who throw away their votes, but given the obvious severity of the upcoming election — just in case some of you are still trying to convict “third party” voters, I’m going to supply you with a possible argument to try to reach them.
First, our country uses FPTP (First Past the Post) for national elections. This will always result in a two party system. Voting 3rd party *never* works in this system by design. So voting 3rd party in FPTP means you are supporting the party most diametrically opposed to you.
The grand revolution isn’t coming in a third party. Meeting a “threshold” is nonsense. If that had any chance of succeeding people like Sanders wouldn’t be trying to take over the Democratic Party. If you’re on the left, a third party vote supports Republicans. It’s that simple.
If you really want to affect change, the best thing to do is to join groups trying to reform voting systems, especially at the local levels. Some states are already experimenting with these. This will actually stand a chance to give 3rd parties viability in local elections.
Despite what you may believe, you (and the groups you support) stand a much better chance of persuading the party closest to you in philosophy. There’s a reason Sanders tries to lobby the Democratic platform and doesn’t bother with the GOP.
Be strategic. Be aware that the GOP has gerrymandered and suppressed votes. If you’re determined to vote for third party candidates locally, at least split your votes regarding positions that oversee elections.
But the reality is, you are doing much more for the environment (or whatever your key issue is) by voting for Democrats and working to change your local voting systems than you will ever accomplish by voting Green, etc at the national level.
I know it’s not sexy and it doesn’t feel fair. But it’s reality. So you have to decide if you want to actually work to change things or keep pretending the next X is going to bring about the big revolution that will give you the sense of satisfaction you think it’ll give you.
Both parties are not the same. If the last three years haven’t shown you that, I doubt any practical argument can reach you. But ignoring midterms, shirking voting and/or casting a protest vote is exactly what the people diametrically opposed to you want. Why help them?
1) Vote for the party closest to your political bent. Especially at the national level.
2) Find groups working to make voting more viable for 3rd parties in your state.
3) Vote strategically in local elections, esp those that oversee voting.
Life is compromise. None of us like it.

Votes are not magic, but they are valuable. Use them wisely.
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