Few thoughts on this: I think firstly that L5 seems like too big an escalation, and it's more likely that Dublin & maybe other cities like Cork will go to L4, with the rest of the country going to L3.

There's no appetite - politically, socially or economically - for L5. https://twitter.com/thejournal_ie/status/1312842925722787842
I think the way this has been communicated has been really, really bad. Whilst I understand that NPHET have to make tough decisions in line with the figures & projections they have, I do think that this could've been announced with some gov consultation alongside it.
That said, I don't think that Comms from the government has been much, if at all, better. NPHET has, in my eyes at least, become a convenient scapegoat at times for government inaction & contradictory/bad messaging

(See Neil's thread: https://twitter.com/neilmacdh/status/1312903081823219712?s=19)
My main concern for L5 if it did come in would be first & foremost that of mental health; even those without mental health issues or anything along those lines were stressed by last night's sudden announcement.

(The economic fallout would also ofc be awful.)
Either way, the "core" message of remains the same: wash your hands, wear a mask (esp. in enclosed, public indoor spaces like shops), and practice social distancing.
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