Thread 🧵: on why you should beat your wife ❤️
Every heard of love languages? The most prominent one is called touch. Women love being beat viciously. It’s a sign of respect and the harder you hit your wife the more you respect her as a woman.
Woman are like children thier attention span is minuscule. After the honeymoon phase they often get bored and what better way to rekindle those flames than to beat her bloody like darbi darood beats Hawiye!!
woman beat thier face daily so why can’t we? Sounds hypocritical not to
Woman are like dogs. Every interpersonal relationship in the world has hierarchy by that measuring stick, You need to establish dominance and what better way to do it then by showing her the back of ur hand?
Divorce rates among cops are the lowest we have ever seen and at least 40% of cops are known to beat their wives according to surveys and studies. No harm no foul i always say 🔥
When you cater to a woman and don’t beat her she turns into a feminist essentially making you a cuck. It’s not good for her mental health to have soo much freedom. As a Good Samaritan and a good husband you must take steps such as beating her for her own good and well being.
Women have a fetish for beatings. Don’t take my word for it look at this b*tch right here....
A little play fighting has never hurt anyone. It builds stronger bonds and is a healthy alternative to going to the gym. You can do this anywhere anytime and it’s free.
In conclusion, I’ve beat countless woman especially woman I’ve been with and I’ve never faced any consequences. I’ve received loyalty,submissiveness, and a boost to my mood. Be happy, beat a b*tch today.
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