I’m not trying to piss anyone off with this. In fact this isn't for you at all. Its for me. I'm sick of twitter. I just wanna drop these final thoughts and leave for a while. I hope this has a positive impact. Enjoy.
The "Id rather serve crack than serve this country" attitude here is really off putting. I really don't think we have a place inserting ourselves in this w nothing to lose and talking about people who lost their lives for example. War criminals are everywhere but so are good ones
The tl makes it their business to act like they're aware of everything around the world but can't have an intelligent conversation for shit.
You live in this fucking world. Not a lala land where people are magically not corrupt and the government can handle your money properly. Our political decisions should be based on reality.
This is a question to anyone who's willing to have an actual, honest debate. Plenty of people have posted a video of police brutality on their story, maybe with a few hashtags and an acab here and there. (1/2)
Now this is a DECADES long debate, so I'm not in any place to say whats wrong or right, but what else can we do? What comes after awareness? I feel like if everyone gave a different perspective on how to approach these issues, we could figure smth out. (2/2)
Bernie is as much of a personality cult as Trump, he just tells his supoorters what they want to hear. In fact in Bernie's extremely long tenure as a politician, he's done jack shit on his promises. No doubt a good man and a pretty good senator. But he's not a political messiah.
Pretending your problems don't exist is the most gen Z thing ever. We even applied that shit to Israel and expected it to work???? And now Its at its worst state ever. Good job.
You know for people that support science, Id think you'd believe economists lol
How can the same people who say "celebrities ain't shit" give all that political authority to a makeup artist and a tiktoker???
You guys live in a fictional world where all your problems would be solved if the people you blamed for everything finally apologized or something. They're not going to. Do yourself a favor, dust yourself off and move on.
A place like this where horniness determines how viral something is is not a good place for any intelligent discourse.
What's up with all those fucked up abortion jokes talking about eating embryos like gummy bears???? There are people on here that have tried to have kids for years. That have lost them. Miscarriages. Stillbirth. You're the most insensitive mfs on this planet. fuck you.
Saying some fake woke shit to derail a conversation is dumb as FUCK. if someone's trying to talk about Gandhi you don't go "ohhh he was a racist pedophile so haha I win". Thats ad hominem. You don't win shit.
The addition of "human rights" as a throwaway phrase is getting old. I don't think it adds to the debate and tbh it just sounds like a leftist version of "ThEyRE gOnNa TaKe oUr GuNs AwAy". It's like some hardcore Alex jones shit. Our rights get more protections constantly.
News flash: A senior in hs in a relationship with a freshman is borderline pedophilia if not completely. Age doesn't matter at that point its about mental maturity.
You know if we took every rape accusation seriously, maybe the world would be a better place. You shouldn't believe everything you hear, but you should take it seriously and consider it.
If another motherfucker says some shit like "this is not on the news nobody know this" I will end them.
It takes 5 minutes to stay properly informed but gen Z needs everything to be in bite size viral pieces to care about it. The inevitable result: the next generation of voters don't know anything about our countries. And no "orange man bad" doesn't fucking count.
Youre gonna get pissed hearing this but unless the sociology community redefines the term, I'm still going to argue: If you're prejudiced to a white person, you are being racist. Sure its not as "powerful" or harmful, but I can be racist to anyone.
Depending on the country I'm both a minority and not a minority; either way I feel racism. I dont think your race needs power to make people feel small and "lower" than you. Plus if minorities can be racist to eachother, doesn't prove this point? That power doesn't matter?
I know the age of colonialism fucked us but blaming those people for everything will not solve anyone’s problems. Nothing can be done to reverse it. Maybe we need to learn to succeed in spite of that.
Don't pick and choose from your own rules assholes.
Man if only some of you had the validation of your parents, maybe there wouldn't be as many dumb political opinions on here.
Yes attack landlords lol. The only reason 5+ billion people can afford housing. Attack them. That's a great idea.
Yall really don't give a fuck about perspective. At all. As long as something sounds right, you'll accept it as fact and move on.
I'm a Kashmiri Pundit. You probably don't what that is because my people were already small before they were massacred by militants in their own land during the partition. Our homes were stolen. Our nationality was stripped from us. There are so little of us left. (1/5)
Let alone justice, many of us will never even see home again. I don’t even blame Pakistan for what happened but India is the only country on our side. Over a year ago some of us regained the right to do business and own land in OUR OWN HOME, but it was attacked by everyone (2/5)
- I’m guessing both because we were a minority and hindu so it was simpler to just antagonize it. And this is just one tiny example of issues internet just dismisses because they're too complicated for your feeble brains to understand that blood can be on both sides. (3/5)
How many other people have been wiped right off history books because their existence was inconvenient? People who want "justice" only want it for themselves. And if anyone even thinks of saying "that was a long time ago", here's a fuck you in advance. (4/5)
This was the first issue the UN ever tried to solve and since then it’s only gotten worse. Im tired of even trying to fight for my people anymore. Many of us gave up a long time ago. Please do takes this to heart. Maybe then all the loss can amount to something. (5/5)
I've never seen people romanticize mental illness as much the tl. Its a really sad thing. There are people who struggle with it every day and wouldn't wish it upon their worst enemies yet here you are acting like its cool. Please don't.
I've never seen people romanticize mental illness as much the tl. Its a really sad thing. There are people who struggle with it every day and wouldn't wish it upon their worst enemies yet here you are acting like its cool. Please don't.
I have regular debates with everyone I know, but if I don't think youre worth the effort ill pretend that I agree with you because I know you'd never change your mind anyway. Just a waste of time.
Btw, just cuz some guys unimaginably rich doesn't mean killing him or even joking about it will save the world. A guy tried doing that once, his name was robespierre, and things didn't work out for him.
Wanna solve racial issues? You need white people. Wanna solve gender issues? You need men. Wanna solve LGBTQ rights issues? You need straight people. Antagonizing any one of us does nothing but break us into smaller pieces when we really should be out there fighting together.
Nobody should ever see their privilege as a bad thing. Isn't it something people should be thankful for? I am priveleged to have an education. To have food on my table. To be alive. To have basic freedoms and rights. Anyone else in this position: fight so everyone else does.
Are you an economist? A business owner? A diplomat? No? So maybe you don't have to be a pretentious asshole when talking about how the world works.
If you think abortion should be illegal, you should also be fighting equally hard for good child services. Or does life not matter once it’s born?
Never once have I seen someone apologize for abusing hinduism. Yall misuse the word karma, talk about our faith like its a literal joke, and ask for respect from everyone else??? "I didn't know" doesn't cut it. You don't even care to begin with.
Yeah um, going to college isn't a scam. Getting a useless piece of paper is on you. Don't expect to get a return in investment with your Greek literature degree or smth man.
The world won't give you shit. You have to take it. Too many of us are too complacent and dare I say lazy. We blame our situations so much like our parents and grandparents didn't have it worse. At the end if you don't at least try to improve it, don't blame anyone but yourself.
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