The single most important thing to understand is that the world was effectively converted into a command economy six months ago. Free movement is not compatible with any planned economy so all policies will hence forth will be structured to accommodate that requirement. Fight me.
Procedures which are being rolled out are the manifestation of the parameters for individuals to be effectively managed in their daily lives to best suit the central plan. Ask yourself, would the introduction of a global totalitarian state proceed in some other way? Coincidence?
Much of it is actually a discovery process wherein flaws can be detected for future adaptations and restructuring which may adjust or eliminate that which is chaotic or disruptive to the central plan. A symptom of this is the over the top invasiveness of all of it. It's a probe.
We haven't actually observed a full year cycle of the central plan. Planned economies tend to break severely when and where they do because of scale. Food, energy, transportation, and most critical "industries" (more on that later) are all at risk of regional or partial collapse.
It's becoming clearer why "the virus" has almost nothing to do with what's going on. If you're capable of considering the possibility that "the pandemic" is actually literally a bad cold similar to a bad flu and that the response is undeniably disproportionate, what if it's true?
A primary function of the sustained psychological torture we've all endured is part of the realignment process which allows a small relaxation of procedure to appear to be an expansion of opportunity rather than a lessening of restriction.

They've turned life into a fire drill.
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