"sharon horgan but..." self-indulgent projection thread based on this tweet of mine 🤡 [ i blame @ratchedsrobe @sharonhorgans @kimwexlers ] https://twitter.com/aislingbae/status/1312586100678905861
sharon horgan but she's your high-flying philanthropist boss who gets invited to red carpets & everyone at the office is shit-scared of her but she smiles at you when you bring her coffee & leaves lipstick stains on the rims of the cups https://twitter.com/sharonhorgans/status/1312742495701303297?s=20
sharon horgan but she models for you when you're an up & coming photographer & stares into the camera with far more intensity than she ought to & leans over your shoulder when you're editing your photos, telling you which shots she likes https://twitter.com/adoresaniston/status/1312472140730437632?s=20
sharon horgan but you spend your evenings in the smalltown cafe she owns, sipping coffee, working on your thesis, chatting while she brews espressos. she tells you to pursue your phd & smiles ruefully when you say it'll take you far from home https://twitter.com/ratchedsrobe/status/1311223613366829056?s=20
sharon horgan but she frequents the restaurant you work at for business lunches & knows you by name. she meets your eye when she gets bored of hearing facts & figures. she always tips you cash & squeezes your hand when she passes you crisp notes
sharon horgan but she takes you under her wing when you start as a trainee teacher. you have lunch in the cafeteria together & sometimes she helps you with grading. when the kids ask wide-eyed if you two are 'together', she laughs but doesn't say no https://twitter.com/aislingbae/status/1312782516156129280?s=20
sharon horgan but she works at the local library & runs storytelling time for the kids. she gives you book recommendations & you have lunch dates at the library cafe. on slow days she holds your hand between the shelves where nobody can see https://twitter.com/sharonhorgans/status/1313238758070812675?s=20
[ to be endlessly continued whenever i find more pictures but pls feel free to send photos you like so i can add to this thread... đź‘€]
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