Is this like the “trying to prevent a curse/prophecy will ensure its fulfillment” like Mordred and Oedipus? ‘Cause.... that’s been around. (“Shown” does not mean “proved” just that there’s an amount of theoretical physics that suggests it *might* be somewhat true.. like M Theory)
Don’t get me wrong, I love theoretical physics. M-Theory and String Theory and ..look there’s a whole book called “Dante’s Equation” that, while it has a couple parts I have to skim past bc whole fk triggers, the theoretical physics and fantasy elements and mythology and levels
of positive/negative that make the whole good/evil but affect gravity in those dimensions and just all kinds of stuff I love all thrown together in a way that’s so great it’s my favorite book. Tied with The Hobbit+LoTR but still. (I can have 5 faves, hush.)
It’s written by Jane Jensen. I’ll give trigger warnings at the end of this thread. Anyway! I also love Dr. Michio Kaku and Dr. Brian Cox and so many. And their takes on possibilities. But like.. this is an oldddddd theme that’s like.. yeah, that’s.. been a thing.
Even in the physics community. I mean, awesome there’s some stuff to back up that it might maybe be a tiny bit possible! Won’t be proven though. At least not in the next millennium easily. If I’m wrong about that I dare a time traveler to give me $1 trillion current ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Dante’s Equation TWs:
Holocaust references incl deaths of loved ones in camps, SA & CSA in camps, CSA explicitly described by a parent forced to watch but can be skipped bc the fact it happened is enough to explain the motivations of parent’s retaliation
Torture (of n*zi)
Dante’s Equation TWs cont.:
SA by a dick character that again can be skipped bc it’s predictable but the dude doesn’t see her as human bc different dimension so she looks a little different than humans.

That’s all I remember. You can see them coming but I’ll give page #’s if req
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