When I was involuntarily coerced into Mormonism 40 years ago, I was told our leadership spoke directly to Jesus, that my 12-year-old self could defeat Satan, & God's only true church could save the republic, as it would at any second now. 1/
Yet, in the 200 years since Joseph Smith's (shifting) "First Vision" in the Sacred Grove, Satan- by their definition - has not been defeated, Mormonism - pro-slavery & anti-Union - has not even come close to saving the republic in any dozens of national crises 2/
& not a single prophecy or prediction by the 16 Mormon prophets has come close to being true or has ever been of any real value. In 200 years, the singular & only restored gospel of Jesus Christ on Earth, in his chosen nation (and the home of the Garden of Eden) 3/
has convinced at best 1/2 of 1% of the US population of its eternal truths. This weekend was the 190th semi-annual conference of Jesus's only true faith on Earth in Salt Lake City. Their new, billion-dollar Tabernacle holds 21,000 people. But this weekend, it was empty. 4/
This is a photo from this week's conference of the most spiritually powerful men (all men, of course) on Earth in an empty building. Fearful of disease, utterly useless in the battle against the Biblical plague of 2020. 5/
Their invincible priesthood powers not in evidence, their ability to make Jesus literally materialize somehow disabled, their oft proclaimed power over the diabolical, pestilential Satan on the fritz. 6/
This photo shows a stunning lack of faith, a terminal knowledge of their inability to meet the greatest challenge of our age with their salvific magic & wizardry, 7/
& an insecurity about the promised, eternal, glorious life on the other side of an unplugged respirator. Sad, pitiful &
deeply clarifying. 8/
They're just sanctimonious old businessmen managing a mall-development corporation masquerading as a religious non-profit. They're just as fearful of death & know as little about what lies beyond as anyone else, and they know it. 9/
Speaking unmasked, to a full house of 21,000 obedient, faithful saints would surely demonstrate the power of God's almighty priesthood restored in these latter days, wouldn't it? Or maybe faith should wait until it's despised enemy, science, figures this shit out. Amen 10/
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