I’m going to make this what it is not, and ask you if you took a comprehensive psych history? I can think of at least 5 differentials already

Also, casualty officers need to stop policing what patients think is an emergency (to them) or not. There’s no pamphlet to refer to https://twitter.com/ndumiso45688066/status/1312866303162679297
The energy is always directed at the wrong party. The problem here is system failure. You only want P1s to come because there aren’t enough doctors to see everyone or enough rooms to examine patients.
The patient has every right to come to a health facility when they feel some sort of disintegration to what is deemed as being healthy (both physical and mentally).

No one calls an ambulance for no good reason
See your patients like you would have seen that stabbed chest and then go back to family medicine basics (4th principle of consultations) - modify help-seeking behavior

Like Katlego said, We should stop being professional gas lighters
Our attitudes as health care professionals dictate how our patients will respond to their next “emergency” and then you’re going to give them grief for not consulting in time

Sigh, anyway, good morning. See my pinned tweet if you are looking for a psychiatrist closest to you
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