Tonight I watched my parents figure out which credit card would give them enough gas money to take them to a cancer specialist out of town who could save my mom’s life because they have been paying so much more in insulin to live.

This is the American healthcare system.
“How are we going to pay for all this?” is not a question you ask yourself when a loved one COULD be saved. “How are we going to deal with this debt?” is a question that too many people have to ask.
This isn’t even just about the cost of cancer treatment. Their social security and midicare is being depleted by rising drug costs, which could be controlled by the US government if they gives a damn. How much has insulin skyrocketed?
I want to thank everyone for all of their kind words and support and suggestions. Right now my family has things figured out for the immediate surgery and a place for my dad to stay to help with recovery.
We’re not sure of out of pocket costs for medical care yet, so I don’t want to start a gofundme and raise funds that we potentially won’t need. It is good to know that there are people out there who are willing to help.
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