Seeing the latest from @episcopalcafe about why the church doesn’t matter, or whatever, just makes me wonder why we’re even bothering with busting our butts at this point if this is the stuff that our denominational media outlets will choose to amplify. It’s rather dispiriting.
Read the room, people. Now isn’t the time for that. The “Epistemic Humility” piece (which, frankly, wasn’t all that humble itself) serves no possible good purpose. People in the Church, lay and ordained, are struggling to hold on to hope as it is.
So sure...let’s amplify the voice of a retired cleric, enjoying the bounty of the pension and apparently not missing church, speaking of the meaninglessness of what many long to return to, and what is for some their thinnest lifeline of hope in the midst of our present gloom.
I debated not tagging the Cafe in this. But I’ve decided I wanted them to see it. Please tell me what possible good purpose running that piece serves. Are things not hard enough on folks already?
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