One of the stranger facts of history is that Kissinger, a man with as much blood on his hands as virtually anybody to serve in US government in the 20th century, also likely prevented nuclear war several times by simply not relaying Nixon's drunkest orders
Anyway Trump, as far as I know, still hasn't been relieved of or designated away nuclear launch authority to someone who isn't in the throes of illness and delusion, so that's something to think about on top of all of this.
But I'm sure if the people around him couldn't convince him that he shouldn't risk the lives of secret service agents to do a little drive-around, everything will play out calmly and normally if he gets the notion to launch.
An underrated part of Robert Fisher's "the president should have to physically carve the nuclear codes out of the heart of a volunteer" proposal is that it's impossible to execute when in a hospital bed
Welp, Trump's tweets this morning aren't making this thread any less relevant
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