gonna reread lotus flower because i’m sad n can do whatever i want 🥰🥰🥰
“Plus, I listened to Lotus Flower by Radiohead a helluva lot while writing this fic.” i am literally Dumb how did i forget this info i am dory
also forgot the chapter starts in wembley please i cry
“glittering leather jacket” living my kitty gang jimin dreams
jiminie mentioned his guitar i'm so 🥵🥵🥵
i love jimin 🥺🥺🥺
a 🥵 modern 🥵 queer 🥵 cobain 🥵
starmaker 🥵 mastermind 🥵 midas 🥵
"even now my ears are like itchy from the haters“ and “I think I hear someone talking shit about me right now.” sit at the same table
“Are u saying that things have been too easy for me? That the life of a queer Asian man in the world of Western rock&roll just doesn’t have enough drama in it? That rebuilding one’s career after their group broke up in a personally damaging, public fashion is a walk in the park?
“That’s when he saw him.” BITCH SHDJFKDH
“You’re very beautiful.” YEAH IM CRYING ALREADY SHUTTUP
““You really are. Quite striking.” The young man said it simply, like he was telling Jimin that the sky happened to be blue today. He didn’t seem like he was going to say anything else for the moment, though, resting his eyes comfortably on Jimin’s.” that’s my open honest baby ☺️
jeonggukie bubblegum lips
“His mouth was crimped at the corners like an exquisite little tartlet in a patisserie window.” SEXY AF
“He pushed away from the bar and took two quick steps into the club, then paused, turning back to Jimin and stepping softly towards him. He reached his long arm out, pointing again to the spider earring. His finger had to be mere centimeters away” they WAY i love them?? UNMATCHED
listeN to me............. i’m Losing It
“the young man finally noticed him, catching Jimin’s gaze. A bright, radiant smile broke out on his face. It was a form of his smile Jimin hadn’t seen yet, wrinkling the corners of his eyes and scrunching his nose.

Shit. It was fucking adorable.” TEARS DOWN MY CHEEKS
““I figured ‘sometimes’ could mean now.” Jimin answered, his voice low but still audible in the midst of the throbbing noise around them. The young man laughed now, head thrown back, his face all crinkly and beaming.

“I love when sometimes means now.”” did ya’ll know i’m in love
“He rotated around so his back was towards Jimin, and Jimin could feel him drop his center of gravity slightly so their hips were aligned.” ......... Yeah
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