1/ If you have a really painful event/s in your history, an unhealthy (but understandable) way of dealing with it would be to block it out completely and try to act like it never happened.
2/ A healthy approach would be to acknowledge it happened, really understand it, it’s impact on you, and how it shaped who you became.

Slowly accept it happened, & integrate it into your history. You then move forward with new self-knowledge. This is what healing looks like.
3/ Apply this principle to our collective history. Pulling down statues & erasing history books is an unhealthy response.

We must acknowledge what has happened. Accept it has happened, and do our best to understand why it happened. We then might not repeat history.
4/ Integrate it into our collective history, and move forward with new self-knowledge, so we can build something better.

Destruction & avoidance doesn’t create healing. It creates more things to heal from.
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