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My heart goes out to Joe Biden.
I know, but wait.
The man lost his first wife and one year old daughter in a car accident and his grown son to brain cancer. Losing THREE family members is almost impossible for most of us to comprehend....
I honestly believe that Joe himself is now suffering from dementia, judging from what I've seen, and the lids, etc.

Joe Biden is OLD, and Joe Biden is BROKEN.

He did a LOT of things wrong. Which need to be addressed, in no uncertain terms....I mean, a LOT of things....
But right now the democratic party is dragging his carcass around like it's an empty vessel that they intend to fill w/ hillary clinton's will. Kamala will obviously take over, almost immediately, despite leaving the presidential race w/ an approval rating of what, 3%?
They will INSTALL Kamala, despite the American ppl completely rejecting her. And Kamillary will do her master's bidding. Tom Fitton has suggested Biden/Harris will probably appoint Hillary to the AG position. Just imagine.....
Tulsi has always known that hrc's ego is what is driving this election entirely.
A vote 4 Biden is not a vote 4 unity, or civility or compassion, or peace.
A vote 4 Biden is a vote to enable Hillary to indulge her revenge fantasy against Trump, 4, against all odds, BEATING her.
Support your POTUS.
He's exposing all of this crap.
You don't have to like him. You don't have to be his pal. But pls realize that a vote for Trump is a clear declaration that you REJECT Hillary and her narcissism and psychopathy. Forever.
And right now, that's all that matters.
Just, please see WHO's behind the curtain. & vote accordingly. & when the dems all get exposed, let's let Joe go rest & hopefully find some peace & comfort. The dems using him like this, at this stage in his life, in the state he's in, tells u everything abt the dem party. #Shame
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