no, i am not guilt tripping. these are just my observations

we did better in terms of digital - we only went out of the charts this week (& for some brief time last week).
but we did not do better with our YT/SNS. YT clarified that there were no rule changes, so there were really a few of us streaming.
we did better & at the same time did not with our Pre-votings. the apps we were far behind last chapter, we managed to boost them to the top3 but Mwave Global & Whosfan ☹️
our fanbases did better as well, they even united for YT mass stream (if i saw &remember it correctly) so you (we) can’t blame them this time
there were less in-fandom fights too. the only issue i remember now is the “guilt tripping” one, but those who consistently streamed either brushed it off cause they’re (we’re) busy streaming or explained their (our) side, cause it honestly felt like only a few were helping....
idk where i’m going with this thread, just wanted to let it out before i go to work 😅
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