scorpio, cancer, pisces ✉️🦋

you gon have to acknowledge and say how you really feel soon. the tea is piping hot and you’ve got some truths you need to tell. you have some things you need to be honest about. conversations should be taking place soon
those conversations and opportunities to speak up are coming.. they’re arriving quickly and you can expect to have major conversations this month with relations (platonic, romantic or entanglements). i’m seeing you need to speak your truth about your feelings
bc you may be hiding or holding a lot back out of fear and insecurity. you will be able to express yourself best moving forward when you can release this weight and feel comfortable again. i see you moving more free when you can allow yourself to feel.. but also EXPRESS the feels
being emotionally vulnerable doesn’t automatically mean you’re emotionally expressive. express your truth... WHOLEHEARTEDLY. do not leave anything out. do not leave room for questions/confusions. be very clear in everything you say. no beating around the bush. no hiding. be clear
i see so much freedom coming when you can be open and start doing this in all your relations. people do not know unless you say something so speak up. be open and be the talker. leave it all on the table. you have a chance to make a change and close old cycles.
if this is for you, you will know in your heart! thank you for the support and energy! tips are highly appreciated and never taken lightly! may all energy & support given be return tenfold!

thank you 🌞🍃
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