Imagine being a social studies teacher for a second. You must attempt to explain current events to young teenagers without directly criticizing our president. /1
He called Mexicans rapists and murderers. I teach Mexican students. /2
He mocked a handicapped reporter. I teach students with disabilities. /3
He mocked people for wearing masks. Then he knowingly put others at risk to get sick and/or die. I teach students whose families have been affected by covid. /4
He will not condemn white supremacy. After a swing and a miss after a softball lob at the debate, he tried the next day and failed. He will not say Black Lives Matter. I teach Black students. /5
Trump pledged to kick Muslim refugees out of the country because they may be terrorists. I teach Muslim students. /6
Immediately after taking office, all mention of LGBTQ people and rights were removed from the White House website. I teach LGBTQ students. /7
He calls women fat pigs, slobs, dogs, and disgusting animals. I teach female students. /8
So yeah, I don’t think it’s “political” to say Trump is a person full of hate with little regard for minorities, women, or other sub-groups. And if my students ask, I don’t share my thoughts. I point them to his own words. /8
If you’re voting for him or voted for him, yeah, I judge you and question your character. Empathy and kindness matter. Being a decent human matters. Being reasonably intelligent matters. How can you support a human who is none of those things? /9
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