Happy #Sawtober! Here we go with this infamous bathroom scene.
It really is hard to believe that this was made on a $1 million budget. #Sawtober
(And then went on to gross *checks notes* $104 million worldwide.)
I forgot how good the camerawork is in this one.

The dialogue between Adam and Lawrence is......something (i.e. "My name is 'Very Fucking Confused'")
Holy fuck that body on Leigh Whannell. 😍🤤
I remember seeing this in theaters with my dad when I was 15. We really felt like we saw something special, but of course couldn't comprehend the MONSTER of a franchise this film would spawn.
First taste of Jigsaw's voice at the 10-minute mark.
It's so bizarre how fucking SIMPLE this plot is. It's immediately compelling from the get-go.
Love hearing John cough on the tape too. Such a fun little hint.
"No solids." 🤮
Adam is such an asshole.
"He doesn't want us to cut through our chains. He wants us to cut through our feet."

Okay but really, is it that Cary Elwes is delivering a bad performance or is it just Wan & Whannell's dialogue.
Ah yes, the rapid-fire editing during the trap scenes. Aka one of the SAW franchise's trademarks
Hello, Zepp!
Oh crap I'm supposed to keep using the hashtag #Sawtober in these Tweets. Whoops.
Lol @ all this infidelity drama with Lawrence. #Sawtober
Jigsaw is really playing the long con with Gordon, huh? 5 MONTHS AGO???

Hard to believe he was *also* doing all the stuff in Saws 2-7 during all this too...I think? This timeline, man.
I remember the bear trap scene being one of the THREE teaser trailers for SAW that came with the DVD of THE PUNISHER (the Thomas Jane one). Lionsgate marketed the hell out of this movie. #Sawtober
Who would have guessed that Shawnee Smith's one scene would lead to her being a protagonist in the next 2 sequels? #Sawtober
Amanda digging around the intestines is arguably the goriest scene in the film. It always makes me laugh when people talk about how gory SAW is because like...it's not. Makes me think those people haven't actually seen the first one. #Sawtober
Lol @ Danny Glover's delivery of "Now Amanda....you are in fact a "drug addict?"

All he was missing was the air quotes. #Sawtober
Also Whannell's whiney delivery of "You could be the one who put me in this rooooooom!" 😂
Oh man, the creepy man in the closet is sooooo scary. #Sawtober
Why the fuck didn't she come back for any sequels #Sawtober
Potter legit has nothing to do in this movie. #Sawtober
That eyeball-in-the-closet-door shot is very BLACK CHRISTMAS, no? #Sawtober
Oh right, Danny Glover is bad* in this too. #Sawtober

*Actually terrible
"It's crazy because in a lot of ways this could be a later VOD HELLRAISER movie"

Wise insights from @bstolemyremote

I LOVE that Jigsaw made an elementary-school-level diorama for the bathroom set and even made little figurines of Adam and Lawrence. #Sawtober
Why are we getting a voiceover when we can very clearly read the note? #Sawtober
The use of the convex mirror to frame Jigsaw sneaking up on Lawrence is great. #Sawtober
And this ICONIC pig mask. #Sawtober
Oh God. Elwes' attempts to cry or quiver his lips are painful to watch. #Sawtober
Also, take a shot every time he says the word "family." #Sawtober
I *think* Whannell's fake death-by-cigarette is the most tonally out-of-place moment in this movie? #Sawtober
So I'm guessing Lawrence couldn't actually hear that obnoxious electricity sound effect since he didn't know Adam was being electrocuted? #Sawtober
I feel like the Polaroid flash bit is a trope now but I LOVE its use in this movie. The creepy Billy laugh works and the jump scare REALLY works. #Sawtober
Oh man Elwes's acting gets worse the angrier he gets. #Sawtober

.....yes you did. #Sawtober
Monica Potter's Agent: You'll spend most of the film blindfolded and tied to a bed.

Monica Potter: I'm in.

"YOU BASTARD FUCK" is such a terrible line delivery. #Sawtober
These cutaways to Elwes crying is *really* hurting the flow of everything going on with Zepp. #Sawtober
AGAIN with these electrocution sound effects. #Sawtober
"Lawrence! Get up! I need you!"

Do we have a queer romance in Lawrence and Adam?


Acting, ladies and gentlement. #Sawtober
Okay but tell the truth...would you be able to saw off your foot if you were in Lawrence's situation? #Sawtober
Oh right and Danny Glover is just....dead and completely useless. #Sawtober
Oh man, this head-bashing with the toilet tank lid is BRU-TAL. #Sawtober
Okay now kiss. #Sawtober
Hearing the "Hello Zepp" theme for the first time in theaters back in 2004 was truly a remarkable experience. You could feel film history being made right then and there. #Sawtober
When I showed my mom this after it hit DVD, the second John stood up she goes "Well that's not very realistic." #Sawtober
While the film as a whole has plenty of issues (mostly script-wise...from a technical standpoint it's all pretty great), the ending is not one of them. It is fan-fucking-tastic. #Sawtober
10-minute break and then on to SAW II at 8:50pm CST! #Sawtober
(SAW II: aka the best SAW film) #Sawtober
T-minute ONE MINUTE! #Sawtober
I saw SAW II opening weekend in a PACKED theater and I can't believe this movie made $150 million worldwide. I'm so happy it did. These movies were EVENTS, folks. #Sawtober
This venus fly trap scene is so fucking good. What a way to open your film! #Sawtober
Chills. CHILLS, I TELL YOU. #Sawtober
So does Donnie Wahlberg deliver a better performance in SAW II than Cary Elwes does in SAW? I genuinely don't know. #Sawtober
Catching Jigsaw 15 minutes into the film is just one of many times SAW II successfully subverts expectations. #Sawtober
I want to know how he gets this puppet to ride a bike. #Sawtober
OOF to those legs breaking backwards. #Sawtober
Remember when Lucy from 7TH HEAVEN was in a SAW movie? #Sawtober
Amanda's a really good actress, no? #Spoilers #Sawtober
They spoiled this gun-door death in the trailer and I HATE THAT. #Sawtober
Wait, you mean the lady cop is the smartest one and all the male cops don't take her seriously? 😱 #Sawtober
I think I love SAW II the best because it really does feel like a puzzle in movie form (more so than any of the others). I actually like watching (and basically playing) this game. #Sawtober
"The only door you know how to open.....IS BETWEEN YOUR LEGS."

I hate this character. So, so much. #Sawtober
I can't decide if this oven trap or the wrist-blade box is the worst trap in the movie. #Sawtober
Oof. The oven death is a brutal one, though. #Sawtober
Beverley Mitchell doesn't do anything but cry in this movie, does she? #Sawtober
Seriously, though: Mitchell's character is already passing out. Ain't no way she's ever making it to her trap (and she doesn't, so we never find out why she was put there....which is always a loose thread I hated in this movie). #Sawtober
OOF, time for the needle pit! #Sawtober
YES IT MATTERS, LAURA. I want to know why you went to jail. #Sawtober
I do love this reveal of the connection between all the people in the house. It's a good one! #Sawtober
Oof. That nail-bat to the back of the head is ROUGH. #Sawtober
Laura's death is weaaaaaaak. #Sawtober
So I guess Xavier is just memorizing all these numbers, huh? #Sawtober
What do we think? Most easily avoidable death in the franchise? #Sawtober
Oh look, Xavier STILL sucks. #Sawtober
Back in the bathroom!!! I love everything about this climax. I'd argue that all these twists are more shocking than the first one? #Sawtober
Love that we get TWO uses of the "Hello, Zepp" theme because there are just that many twists in this movie. #Sawtober
Did ANYONE call Amanda being in on this??? #Sawtober
"Just sit here and talk to me."

SO SIMPLE. #Sawtober
Love it. It's not perfect, but SAW II is even better than the first one, IMO. #Sawtober
Alrighty, everyone check back in next week for Saw 3 and 4! #Sawtober
Okay, so I unfortunately had to miss last week's #Sawtober screening of SAW III and SAW IV, so I'm catching up today (by myself) before @bstolemyremote, @smashtraves, @ReelBrew, @jennyleighx33 and I watch SAW V and SAW VI tonight at 7pm CST.

Time to start SAW III...
Holy fuck. Why is this movie 113 minutes long? #Sawtober
Ah, I thought it was 108, but I guess the UNRATED CUT is 5 minutes longer. 😑 #Sawtober
I'm always a sucker for audio clips from the previous film playing over the opening credits of a movie sequel (see also: I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER). #Sawtober
Love just seeing Lawrence's decaying foot still on that bathroom floor. #Sawtober
I actually think the crushing of the foot with the toilet lid is more difficult to watch than the sawing-off of the foot with a hacksaw? #Sawtober
Reason #1 why this movie is 113 minutes long: a 5-minute long pre-title card sequence. #Sawtober
HOLY SHIT HOFFMAN IS IN THIS ONE?! Legit had no recollection of that. #Sawtober
Ah yes, *this* is the entry that really started going over-the-top with the gore (people always think it's 2 but 3 is definitely the one that feels the most torture-porn-y.....at least in terms of the first 3 films). #Sawtober
They really make you think Dina Meyer is going to be the lead in this movie....but nope. Gripe #2 with SAW III. #Sawtober
And this fucking trap they put Meyer in! I get it's part of the twist, but this one really feels like it's mean just for meanness' sake. I don't get that vibe in the first 2 movies. #Sawtober
I do love the color palette of a lot of these scenes, though. So many greens! #Sawtober
Ngl, I do love the way Bousman films this scene. Very Christ-like, no? #Sawtober
Ah yes, Dr. Lynn Denlon. Aka the one character (outside of Meyer's Keri) I wish would have made it out alive. Her death HITS HARD. #Sawtober
Shawnee Smith looks fucking flawless in this film, though, right? #Sawtober
GodDAMN this movie is green. #Sawtober
Truth be told, though, Lynn's trap is the most merciful in that it's an instant death. There's no pain in that 'splodey collar. #Sawtober
Reason #3 that SAW III is 113 minutes long: we don't meet one of our portagonists (Jeff) until the 30-minute mark. WTF, movie? #Sawtober
Oops. Protagonists* #Sawtober
Y'all what if the killer in SPIRAL is the Denlon daughter all grown up? Or does she get some form of closure that I'm forgetting about? #Sawtober
Oh yeah, ALL this Lynn/Amanda drama is my ish. #Sawtober
Ah, @bstolemyremote, finally got to the "stupid cunt" part. 😂 #Sawtober
What do we think of the "woman freezes to death" trap? It's always been one of my least favorites. Plus, I think it's the only instance of nudity in the franchise (could be wrong, though)? #Sawtober
Honestly, I think the trap would have been made better if she completely shattered post-freezing, but whatever. #Sawtober
Love the Easter Egg with that reverse bear trap! I know it doesn't *always* hold up to scrutiny, but I do appreciate this franchise's respect for continuity. #Sawtober
Oh yeah, Amanda daring Lynn to whack her in the back of her head with that axe is a monologue of beauty. LOVE IT. #Sawtober
Did we ever learn who Amanda's "dead" cellmate was in the first movie? Surprised that narrative thread has never been brought back up. #Sawtober
Ah yes, the pig trap. I do like that this guy lives (for now). Iirc, people are REALLY grossed out by this one but I just think it's....kinda bland? #Sawtober
Oh man, no better way to get me to go "fuck off and die" than hearing "I'm a/an [insert fancy profession here]! You can't do this to me!" #Sawtober
So the brain surgery scene is arguably the most gruesome moment in the entire franchise, right? And it's not even a trap! #Sawtober
Just the peeling back of the scalp. OOF. #Sawtober
Yes 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 all 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 this.
Wait...we get a vision of Jill in SAW III??? HOW DO I NOT REMEMBER THIS?! #Sawtober
Oh yeah, I love that reveal of Amanda being the one to kidnap Adam in SAW. It doesn't REALLY change anything, narratively speaking, but it inspires "OHHHHHHHHHs" from the audience nevertheless. #Sawtober
Yesssss and seeing John and Amanda set up the bathroom in SAW. Legit forgot about all this and it's so fun to see. Pretty sure people were losing it in my theatre when this scene played out. #Sawtober
This whole bit plays out like a pre-twist twist because we even get the "Hello Zepp" theme playing during it. And there's still 35 minutes left in the movie. #Sawtober
(Again, another reason that SAW III is the King of Excess.....whether or not that works for you is up to you.) #Sawtober
Jesus. Clearly I haven't watched SAW III in a while because I do NOT remember Amanda going back to kill Adam! Super nice of @LWhannell to pop back in just to die. 😂 #Sawtober
You know this judge still smells like rotten big carcasses, right? #Sawtober
Ah yes, the rack. I guess this is the most brutal trap in the film (ehhhhhhhh the angel-rib-cage one is pretty bad too). #Sawtober
Jesus. This scene just goes on and on, doesn't it? #Sawtober
Jigsaw and Amanda REALLY need to be better about explaining where the locks are in this rack trap (maybe use flashing neon arrow signs?) because it takes Jeff like....FOREVER before he finally just gives up and tries to manually stop this guy's head from cracking. #Sawtober
"Suffering? You haven't seen anything yet."

So many great one-liners from Jigsaw. #Sawtober
Ohhhhhhh remember how this envelope with Amanda's name on it pays off in....I think SAW VI? Pretty sure we'll find out tonight, all you SAW VI haters (*cough* @ReelBrew and @smashtraves) #Sawtober
"He's completed the third test."

....did he, though? #Sawtober
Okay. We are at the 92-minute mark. There are 20 minutes left in this movie. And I think all 20 of them are filled with twists and reveals. Again, SAW III: King of Excess. #Sawtober
Reveal #1: Amanda goes back to "kill" Donnie Wahlberg. #Sawtober
Reveal #2: Lynn and Jeff are married! #Sawtober
Reveal #3: It was Amanda's test all along! (3 reveals in and the "Hello Zepp" theme *just* started) #Sawtober
Reveal #4: Amanda had done all the traps in this movie and purposefully set it up to where the victims couldn't possibly survive. #Sawtober
I mean...It's *kind of* dickish of Jigsaw to gamble Lynn's life on Amanda's choices. LYNN PASSED YOUR TEST, DUDE. #Sawtober
Well, I guess gambling it on Jeff's choices too. Lynn was fucked from the get-go and it's NOT FAIR. #Sawtober
Ah, the "Hello Zepp" theme *really* kicks in once Jeff kills Jigsaw. I suppose it's apt that SAW III features 3 uses of that piece of score. #Sawtober
I mean this is just gnarly, y’all. AND IT’S THE LAST SHOT OF THE MOVIE. #Sawtober
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