If you think Trump is faking being ill, you may want to ask yourself why he'd fake the biggest crisis of his presidency right before an election where he's polling poorly. Admission of his illness, and the extent of treatment undertaken, only confirms his lies about its severity.
The optics on this for on the fence voters are poor no matter how the situation resolves.

Here's a president who made fun of masks, got himself and his administration sick, exposed countless others and has zero sympathy for 210K dead Americans. Many of whom couldn't afford care.
Meanwhile he gets the Rolls Royce of US healthcare for $750 in taxes paid, while rallying against the same Affordable Care Act that the majority of his base rely on.

Having COVID19 causes preexisting conditions for many who do not fully recover. But that coverage would vanish.
Trump gets access to experimental treatments that many may never gain access to, despite paying far more in medical costs, health insurance premiums and taxes.

He then exposes the same Secret Service charged with protecting him with COVID19 for a silly publicity stunt.
After which, as intended, buzz builds that Trump's out of Walter Reed. But he remains there, hospitalized, and in questionable condition.

The White House chief of staff has repeatedly stressed that Trump's health is poor--a narrative that conflicts with that of Dr. Conley.
The cocktail of medications and treatments Trump has received, in addition to O2 supplementation on at least a couple of occasions, would suggest that his health is suboptimal.

The steroid he was given is used for people who are having trouble breathing, and it has side effects.
One of the side effects of the steroid given to Trump is that it suppresses immune response.

That's not something doctors give to a patient with a dangerous infectious disease unless breathing complications outweigh the concern about battling off the pathogen.
There's no question in my mind that Trump has COVID19. The only question I do have is how severe is it.

What we've been able to see based on his treatment and the trajectory of symptoms is that it seems to be a moderate to severe case.

More importantly, this was probable.
Think about Trump's complete lack of safety measures, not only for our country but inside the White House, Air Force One, his campaign and even fundraising events. Statistically speaking this outcome is all but inevitable and quite frankly astonishing it didn't happen months ago.
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