Prefacing this by saying this isn't a complaint but a tweet to explain the reality of today's newsroom in a pandemic with layoffs and furloughs. I'm supposed to be on vacation, and I spent all of today in the office, and I will spend all of tomorrow in the office.

We are tired.
It is really, really hard for me to keep up with emails lately. There are a huge number of local arts organizations doing incredible things we haven't been able to cover yet. And news stories we have missed. But we are trying really, really hard!
Even though I'm working nonstop — more hours than ever, for less money bc I've taken voluntary paycuts to save staff from taking cuts when they already don't make enough — I constantly feel GUILTY that I'm not doing enough. Then I come to work and get hate mail lolz. That's fun.
You can follow @trashyleesuh.
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