I wish I'd known #ADHD doesn't just look like some human version of cats chasing lasar pointers, and that it usually presents in girls & women differently (and often later), and that more ppl than you realize are on adderall - even more could use it. https://twitter.com/adhdwomen/status/1311522179817766912
I wish I'd known that my enormous dependence on caffeine starting in college was a sign I might need to get checked. As is my ability to thrive in deadline chaos but not manage time well when I actually have a lot of time to complete a task. As is my need to see things spread out
And I wish I'd known that "gifted" and creative kids (double exceptional) often go undiagnosed because their symptoms are attributed to their gifts. (If they lucky. The symptoms can also mask the gifts when kids are medicated without a real treatment plan)
Every single report card was about me talking/being disruptive. They recognized it as me being bored bc I was more advanced and I skipped a grade. (Which was low key traumatic at first but that's another story)
https://twitter.com/sthrnfridediva/status/1312899050740625411?s=21 https://twitter.com/sthrnfridediva/status/1312899050740625411
I was diagnosed at 39, and even my mom was skeptical (and like I said she's an early childhood education specialist). And my ADD (I leave the H out bc I don't think that part reflects me) def contributed to my ability to get lost in reading, music, etc...
https://twitter.com/kdfmac/status/1312901297117573121?s=21 https://twitter.com/kdfmac/status/1312901297117573121
My life on and off meds also isn't noticeably different to anyone but me. I haven't absolutely NEEDED it to be productive until the last couple of months (I shared that story here).
But yes, I've always had multiple planners and lists. I have to write things by hand...
... but I have a kind of eidatic memory that only works with things I wrote down. I used to be able to text my asst from a meeting and say "look at the notebook under the stack of papers on the left side of my desk and tell me what's written in the bottom right hand corner"
One of my followers once referenced how they can *see* me retrieving info in my head when I'm talking on camera (I look up). It's literally what I'm doing - scanning.

But I also realize my experience with ADD is very different bc I was diagnosed as an adult.
I was able to manage my own treatment, make my own choices, and had language to talk to my doctor about how I was feeling, how meds were working, etc. I know that so many people with #ADHD had to go through diff meds and treatments to find what worked for them
My procrastination and my serial lateness are both tied to it. I don't use it as an excuse because I'm AWARE of it, but even on meds it's hard to fight.

https://twitter.com/asiachloebrown/status/1312905089451986944?s=21 https://twitter.com/asiachloebrown/status/1312905089451986944
Since COVID & quarantine, fighting procrastination and keeping things from just spreading all over the house have been my biggest challenges.
I share my story here often BECAUSE I wasn't an obvious ADD dx. Because I was always high functioning even through chaos - especially through chaos. Because ppl who know me are shocked to learn about my diagnosis & that I'm on meds now.
*I* didn't even know I might have it. My coworker let me try an adderal once because I was NEXT LEVEL losing my mind at work (chaos amplified, not of my own doing) and it was like suddenly a pile of blocks in the middle of my mental floor were spread out in a straight line.
I thought I was going to have to convince the doctor, but she was like "Yeah, you almost definitely have ADD."

And then she explained that it often doesn't show up in women until college or after, and it's more about hyperfocus, impulse control, administrative function (messy desks, etc), than *lack* of attention and hyperactivity.
For those saying you're thinking of getting "tested," there's no test for #ADHD. You find a psychiatrist (it has to be a medical dr to give you an RX), talk to them about why you think you may have ADHD; your challenges, hacks, etc. Then you try some things to see what works.
I was lucky, addy worked for me out of the gate. I only recently had to change my script. That's not the case for everyone, especially if anxiety and depression are also in play.
I think "overabundance of attn without an ability to control where is goes" is a great descriptor.
https://twitter.com/tlsmith77148428/status/1312922012810010624?s=21 https://twitter.com/tlsmith77148428/status/1312922012810010624
And it DEFINITELY served me well in entertainment.
https://twitter.com/scoopgirl/status/1312922847606722562?s=21 https://twitter.com/scoopgirl/status/1312922847606722562
My dr's offices (before she switched to all telemedicine) were in Chelsea. She told me she had a lot of patients from Google.
Performance tests are really for kids. I don't believe testing is the best route of diagnosed for adults. You can't measure adults against common baselines and benchmarks like kids.
https://twitter.com/unicorn_mittens/status/1312959990785888256?s=21 https://twitter.com/unicorn_mittens/status/1312959990785888256
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