I was married to a psychopath. I was totally manipulated and controlled. Every free thought I had was ridiculed/dismissed. My life became narrower and narrower until I had no life. I enjoyed nothing. I believed I was worthless. If I spoke up I was met with
aggression. I was threatened with violence. Stonewalled. Gaslighted. Abused. Our society has done that to us. Individually/collectively. The psychopathic relationship is subtle. It takes years. You don’t even notice. The confusion and denial of any wrong
doing is called ‘cognitive dissonance’. The mind has taken so much it shuts down. It would rather defend than fight. Most of humanity is suffering and it doesn’t even know it. Yet. Research if you wish psychopathy. Cults (a cult exists with 2 people or more).
It’s going to be useful in the months ahead. For you. For others. People are numb to this. I was. It wasn’t until something big happened, and a third try of a friend, that i was able to see the abuse. I had been conditioned
Kind words, love, support and patience helped me. I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Let’s be patient with our loved ones and humanity. Your fellow brothers/sisters aren’t ‘sheeple’. They’ve suffered in the same ways you have. But you’re there to help them.
You can follow @QMammaHawke.
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