A quick thread about the specific challenges/issues associated with male bisexuality
1. As I've said before, biphobia (both towards men and women) is inherently patriarchal and tends to assume that the person is solely attracted to men, so for male bisexuality it's the stereotype of the 'closeted gay' who is in reality halfway to coming out as homosexual.
2. That trope comes both from hets and from within the LGBT+ community. For example, most the biphobia I have personally experienced has come at me from gay men, that I'm somehow on a progression path to being just like them.
3. Bisexual men make up a very small part of the 'out' LGBT+ umbrella, and tend to be underrepresented in LGBT+ discourse. This is partially because seeing people 'like us' doesn't happen and our non-straight role models revert more often than not to gay men
4. LGBT+ spaces do not tend to be safe either for bisexual men or for young men, where being prayed on as a vulnerable part of the community is common, particularly by older gay men.
5. On the reverse of straight men finding female bisexuality interesting (the stupid threesome thing), you hear countless stories of straight women and gay men not willing to consider bisexual men. "I don't date bisexuals" isn't something I thought I'd regularly hear
6. And none of this takes away from the issues specific to female bisexuality (the trope of edgy straight, and the leering interest of pervy straight men come to mind). However, society is still marginally further down the path to acceptance of female bisexuality.
7. In short, men are trash, fuck the patriarchy, and bi boys exist
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