Alright, everybody. Strap the fuck in. This one's going to be a doozy.
Broke: "It's Brad Dourif's daughter!"

Woke: "It's Bart from Dirk Gently!"
God, I want Dirk Gently to come back so bad, I miss it dearly...
Sarah Pierce SUCKS, okay. Let's make that clear right now.

She is an utterly unsympathetic character.
This movie is so tonally weird, because it's clearly going for a very somber, mostly grounded feel, but also you get shots like this:
This woman sucks too.

I'm not leaving any surprises open.
Oh God, Chucky. My poor lad.

What have they done to you.
And I know for a FACT this kid didn't wash her hands before grabbing him.

The list of indignities keeps climbing.
Where's that world's tiniest violin when you need it?
I hate you.
That's a weird reaction to getting hugged by a child, Chucky.

Also close your damn mouth. That's unsightly.
Only if she manages not to get lost on her way to the kitchen, Snobby Susan.
Just...just snap it shut.

Close it a LITTLE bit at least, I KNOW you're capable.
This is a decent sequence here, with the chili. Very Hitchcockian Suspense, and not just because it's a bunch of people sitting at a table.
"I love contributing to conversations."
asjdfhk okay this is funny, but WHY.
Okay really now.

How has nobody in this family has even HEARD of Chucky the Killer Doll?

He has to be a widely popular legend by now, there's no WAY you could know what a Good Guy is, but not the million stories surrounding it.

Redman was killed! Jennifer Tilly got pregnant and said Chucky was the father!

Come ON.
There's the problem, officers.

Dude was driving with one hand.
Now who's that strange old man standing around in a cheap wig?

It's not 1980s Brad Dourif, I can tell you that much.

See, throughout the movie there were hints that Barbara thought her husband might be cheating with the nanny, but actually SHE'S the one cheating with the nanny!

It's a twist because you thought maybe Barbara didn't fully suck. But she does.
Actually is this relationship vaguely toxic? What's the age difference between these two?
The thing about her heart...I don't really remember it going anywhere? I'll eat crow if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge any heart problems she has are not a massive roadblock in anything she does. It's just a reason for Barb to justify her shitty self.
Like I dunno whether this movie wants me to like the other characters from Nica or not. Am I supposed to see the situation as complicated? Because all I see is a fully capable grown woman being babied by family members that then resent her for their own issues.
"How DARE you."
That's just a normal thing to say in 2020.
Alice is fine, I guess, in comparison to most everyone else. But I just don't quite FEEL her as the Andy-type character. It's due to a lack of screentime, and also the fact that her dialogue reads WAY younger than she actually is.

She's 10, but talks like she's 5.
Oh Jesus, he got ugly again.
Chucky looks so bad in this, guys. Like...I know the budget was diddly (an injustice in itself), but why is his that? Why is his face never consistent? Why does his mouth not match his words?

You could have done better than this, I'm sure of it.
I've said before how unclear the events between Seed and Curse are. This doesn't help with that.
Awwwww yeah, FANSERVICE.

I even see Seed of Chucky getting represented at the top there, although why the article doesn't immediately lead with any of the famous names is beyond me.

Maybe that movie never got made?
People paying close attention to this thread should stop and read the paragraph right under the headline there. I'll explain later, but basically it clears up something other folks have incorrectly called a plot hole.
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