Pope Francis, quoting himself in Fratelli Tutti vs Pope Leo XIII in Rerum Novarum, 15.
Hey, @Trent_Horn. What are your thoughts on this?
Rerum Novarum, 46.
Quadragesimo Anno, 49.
Leo XIII's Quod apostolici muneris, 9.
Great explanation from @EVKLCoop on this. The document above is mistranslated from the original Latin. but even the Latin is incredibly misleading and has never been articulated in a similar fashion as expressed above with the use of inviolable.
Final Tweet: I don't have an ax to grind or an agenda to push. I am just pointing out a troubling passage for clarification. If people are upset about this post bringing scandal, then take it up with the hierarchy. Asking for clarity should not lead us to question fidelity.
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