Supporting Trump is such an unforgivable moral failing. It calls every bit of your judgement and character into question. Nothing about you should be trusted if you can look at this man and think "that's the one for me."
At least the trains run on time huh.
The first will be last and the last will be first, Christian.
This would make sense if Trump was able to get the most votes.
“Evil can’t possibly be evil if it’s broadly popular and the scale of it is vast.”
Imagine thinking an alignment with fascism and white supremacy amounts to a benign political choice that doesn’t reflect on who you are as a person.
Finding a non-white supremacist reason to support a white supremacist still aligns you with white supremacy.

Finding a non-authoritarian reason to support an authoritarian still aligns you with authoritarianism.

Reducing what Trump is to "politics" or “tone” abets him.
Every person answering this thread in dissent thinks that something is being missed that isn't being missed.

*You don't understand the rewards we expect to get
*You haven't heard the reasons we tell ourselves
*You don't understand, there are so many of us

No, we understand.
I think what Trump supporters were expecting to get is what they've always received before, which is the ongoing benefit of the doubt, that what they supported was merely a bloodless difference of opinion, that their character and judgement were good.

They thought.
They expected to get away with it with our regard for their character and judgement intact, and for millions of us that simply isn't going to happen.

Trump support can't be explained away. There's no debate to be had. There's just an accurate assessment of what it means.
It means either that cruelty and bigotry and violent domination excites you so much it's worth risking literally everything else to see it enacted, or else it means you're willing to overlook all of that to secure some personal benefit.

Support Trump. Prepare to be understood.
If you support this sort of thing, you'll be understood as the sort of person who supports this sort of thing.

Your reasons and justifications for doing so will be interesting only from a clinical historical perspective.

Support Trump. Prepare to be understood.
There might be a lot of things a Trump supporter will gain from their ongoing support. They may get everything they wanted.

They won't have our good regard. Instead they will have our correct understanding of their moral judgement and character.

It's not a debate. It's a fact.
If this makes you uncomfortable, realize it’s meant to make you uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. These aren’t comfortable truths that we need to face, nor do they lead to easy conclusions, but we do need to face them.

If this offended you, offense very much intended.
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